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masaze-studio / aroma masáž 1

masaze-studio / aroma masáž 2

masaze-studio / aroma masáž 3

Aromatherapy massage

My services

Ayurveda massage Ayurveda massage

Aromatherapy massage Aromatherapy massage

Hawaiian massage Hawaiian massage

Hot stones massage Hot stones massage

Indian head massage Indian head massage

Classic massage Classic massage

Pregnancy massage Pregnancy massage

Lymph massage Lymph massage

Aromatherapy massage, otherwise known as short aroma is full of pleasant relaxation aroma, coupled with the therapeutic effect of essential oils.

These fragrant, concentrated extracts from plants used for their unique properties.

Diluted in a suitable carrier oil, natural essential oils penetrate all layers of the skin and works on our body, helping to eliminate physical problems, but also affect the psychological balance.

Effect of gentle massage is deeply relaxing and invigorating and refreshing at the same time.

Contraindications: inflammation and cancer